While collagen supplements and products containing collagen are all usually marketed towards women stating; ‘get a youthful glow’, ‘shiny hair’ and ‘strong nails’ etc. As a man you may never have thought of taking it yourself, as perfect skin and nails are not high on your agenda. — Read Article
Made from the process of cold pressing hemp seeds, hemp oil is derived from the cannabis plant but only contains a tiny trace of THC (the psychoactive element in cannabis). This makes it completely safe to be used as a health supplement, with no adverse effects like you’d get with marijuana, which comes from the same plant species but has high amounts of THC. — Read Article
There’s been a lot of buzz in the health industry lately over the benefits of hemp seed oil supplements for humans, but you may have never thought of adding it to your beloved dog’s diet? Hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the hemp plant and is rich in nutrients like fatty acids, antioxidants and phospholipids. — Read Article
Our pets needs have much in common with our own, a healthy diet, ample exercise to maintain strength, mobility and support healthy body mass
especially at this time of year. — Read Article
Some estimates suggest we may lose bone density from age 25 on and 3-5% of our muscle mass every decade from age 30 onwards. This will obviously depend on a number of factors including individual genetics, diet and the physical activity of your personal lifestyle, this could be summed up in just a few words if you don’t use it, you may lose
it. — Read Article
A recent BBC programme on television compared omega-3 supplements and oily fish both taken a few times a week by volunteers compared to a third group of volunteers taking a placebo. The results were to say at the least very interesting, there has been for some time an ongoing put down of omega-3 in supplement form. The study showed that quality omega-3 supplements were every bit as effective as consuming oily fish a few times a week or even better. — Read Article
The change of season very often accompanies a change of mood and a decline in that feeling of well-being, it is generally accepted this maybe a result of the reduced daylight levels, shorter days and falling temperatures. — Read Article
Sleep, well-being and quality of life.
We are all individuals and our needs and wants are also individual, the food to satisfy our needs and the food to satisfy our wants may depend on numerous factors to maintain good health, work, play, anxiety and stress. — Read Article