The answer to this is; the fuel we consume (food) is converted into energy to power body function. We are basically a fuel cell producing energy; the resulting by-products are CO2 and of course body waste.
It is important to exercise our joints and muscles generally but, specifically our lungs and chest, they are interdependent, as we move around through the course of the day we are building up our aerobic strength, strengthening both lung function and muscle tone. Our connective tissue also becomes healthier and suppler and less prone to injury both from tearing and straining. — Read Article
Our body’s respiratory process is an amazing example of nature’s design. It functions for a life time without a rest other than a chance to slow down when we rest or sleep.
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The generally accepted ways of monitoring prostate health and general condition and performance is a combination of both DRE (digital rectal examination) — Read Article
Dixaflo the latest product specially formulated from a unique combination of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals to support the health and care of the prostate gland. — Read Article
Interesting facts on the male prostate gland, and some information on which foods and supplements may help to maintain a healthy prostate. — Read Article