Do you, or someone you know, have breathing problems as a result of asthma, allergies, damaged lungs, emphysema and many other common causes? — Read Article
You may personally be able to relate to breathing difficulties on a seasonal basis occasionally or an ongoing basis. Breathing and lung function are fundamental to good health and life itself, when breathing stops and or lungs cease to function life itself is extinguished. — Read Article
A toolbox to help you navigate this season. Spring is finally here, this means spring flowers and showers, warmer weather and longer days, BUT it also means allergy season. — Read Article
We are often asked about the origins and the motivation behind various products we have produced over the years, Puffpluss is one such product. — Read Article
We can see that our immune system needs to be balanced, active enough to deal with the risks we will encounter Kerstin Wrba as we travel the path of life but not an immune system that over responds and aggravating the issue. — Read Article
Our lungs are rather like a set of bellows by changing shape and volume they facilitate the movement of air both in and out of our lungs through the airways; both nasal and throat passages. — Read Article
The lungs are an amazing organ for a number of reasons; both due to their structure and the way they function in exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide. — Read Article
Lung function and respiratory health robs us of the puff we need to enjoy life; which ages us prematurely couple that with Memory loss which is another result of the aging process; it’s very often accelerated by the breakdown of our body’s communication network, our neurological pathways (the shorting out of the body’s electrical signals). — Read Article
Our body’s respiratory process is an amazing example of nature’s design. It functions for a life time without a rest other than a chance to slow down when we rest or sleep. — Read Article
The answer to this is; the fuel we consume (food) is converted into energy to power body function. We are basically a fuel cell producing energy; the resulting by-products are CO2 and of course body waste.
It is important to exercise our joints and muscles generally but, specifically our lungs and chest, they are interdependent, as we move around through the course of the day we are building up our aerobic strength, strengthening both lung function and muscle tone. Our connective tissue also becomes healthier and suppler and less prone to injury both from tearing and straining. — Read Article
Our body’s respiratory process is an amazing example of nature’s design. It functions for a life time without a rest other than a chance to slow down when we rest or sleep.
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