Our bodies are the ideal environment to host, support and transmit foreign invaders in the form of organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Many microbes (germs) are constantly trying to break through our immune system whose role as the frontline of defence against such invaders that may be health compromising resulting in infection, disease and inflammation. — Read Article
Our immune system is fundamental to maintaining overall good health; of late there has been an extraordinary amount of media attention given to our immunity and our body’s immune responses. — Read Article
Bee pollen has a history going back thousands of years as a health promoting and supporter of wellbeing; Egyptians, Romans and Chinese have documented the various benefits and uses of this natural remedy, which has been described as a super food. — Read Article
When you reach your senior years, the immune system starts to work less efficiently leaving you more open to infection. This is why viruses like the flu and the coronavirus are such threats to older adults. But all is not lost; there are many ways you can boost your immune system, giving your body the strength it needs to fight off infections. — Read Article
The covid-19 virus has raised our awareness and focus as to just how fundamentally important natures immune system really is to maintain and promote healthy body function for both our- selves and our immune system. — Read Article
In the depths of a northern hemisphere winter each year we get a hint of what we may expect in the way of health compromising viruses and pathogens for the approaching winter. — Read Article
Our bodies are the ideal environment to host, support and transmit foreign invaders in the form of organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. — Read Article
The 1300’s were a very interesting phase in the middle either side of 1350 there was the Black Death (bubonic plague) and at the start of the 1300’s (1315- 1317) there was a massive famine, both of which had a significant impact on the global population.
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Congratulations, we have all survived the winter and all of the health compromising pathogens and viruses that afflict us through this period. — Read Article
Our frontline of defence against viruses, pathogens, bacteria and trauma is our immune system and its responses to the ravages that tend to be our major health risk as we enter autumn and winter. — Read Article
Even the healthiest of people get sick occasionally, but by looking after yourself and getting some healthy habits into your life, you give yourself the best chance possible to dodge colds and flu, when everyone else is coughing and spluttering around you. — Read Article
Our body’s immune system and processes are defences against pathogens; our immune system is the structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease, basically our front line defences against infectious organisms and other unwelcome invaders that may be health compromising. — Read Article
As many as a thousand people may be dying in New Zealand each year as the result of infections contracted within New Zealand hospitals; the figure of a thousand is based on 10% of United Kingdom estimates. — Read Article
Shingles are generally the result of contracting the chickenpox virus as a child and it’s type 3 HHV-3 Varicella-Zoster or Human Herpes Virus-3, the chickenpox virus is one of the herpes group of viruses, there are in fact over 25 viruses that are of the herpes type. The chickenpox virus reoccurs generally in adults 50 plus in the form of the Varicella-Zoster Virus. An interesting characteristic of many of the viruses we may contract through life. — Read Article