As we pass through spring into summer the health maintenance of our companions raises new challenges that include various parasites that flourish in the warmer weather to name but a few; fleas and ticks, there are natural options to mitigate the impact on our pets hence the garlic special. — Read Article
The human hip joint is a phenomenal piece of engineering; the pelvic bone forms a beam separating the left and right femur which join the hip bone either side via a spherical cup joint. — Read Article
Many of our customers have asked if emu oil contains sunblock, as they have noticed that the emu oil has provided them with protection from the sun. We have conducted testing and discovered that Emu oil has a natural sun factor of SPF8. — Read Article
Over the summer months the risk of suffering the effects of food poisoning increase; this is generally the result of careless food handling. — Read Article
New Zealand and the United States are the only countries that allow the advertising of prescription drugs; all other countries restrict this type of advertising and leave it to the professionals to decide what is appropriate. — Read Article