At Silberhorn one of our favourite drinks is our delicious golden milk recipe we have been developing. We wanted to share it with you so you can try it! Let us know how you get on, we are sure you’ll love it to! — Read Article
Pears have a history that goes back thousands of years in South Eastern Europe documented back through ancient Greek and Roman times; they were even mentioned by the Greek poet Homer where he describes them as a gift from the gods; pears are one of the oldest fruits eaten by mankind. — Read Article
Raspberries have their origins in eastern Europe and north Asia; the Romans named them Idaeus as they were believed to have been discovered by the Greeks in the region of Mount Ida hence the Roman name Idaeus. — Read Article
Plums are a member of the rosaceae family prunus domestica which also includes peaches, nectarines and almonds. Plums were domesticated in China more than 2000 years ago and have been noted in historic records dating back more than 2500 years. — Read Article