We can quite comfortably describe asparagus as a super food. It is low in calories and it’s a good source of essential nutrients that boost our immune system. It is high in folate, vital for a healthy pregnancy; vitamin K for our cardiovascular system, vitamin C, vitamin E and fibre to support digestion, it may also support healthy blood pressure and weight loss. — Read Article
Asparagus has a history going back over 2000 years. It originated in the eastern Mediterranean; in its wild form it was much smaller than the asparagus we know today.
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Avacados are a popular breakfast in the west as a spread on toast and in the likes of Peru and Chile they are popular in the form of slices on toasted bread or plain bread for breakfast. They are also popular in guacamole. — Read Article
Avocados originate from Central Mexico, a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. It can be described botanically as a large berry containing one large seed inside. — Read Article
Foods that fight inflammation
Re Harvard Health Publishing; Doctors are learning as time passes the best way to quell inflammation may be in our refrigerator and larder rather than the medicine cabinet drugs and chemicals. — Read Article