The history of beans and lentils as a food staple goes back 20,000 years through Roman, Greek and Egyptian periods well into pre-recorded times. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence supporting this in areas associated with ancient Egypt. — Read Article
Carrots could be described as a super food, a root vegetable that is well known for its actual health promoting benefits both real and mythical as a result of propaganda. — Read Article
The flesh and seeds of pumpkin are both utilised as foods; the seeds are very often cleaned and dried, they contain approximately 3gm dietary fibre per cup which is approximately 10% of our daily dietary fibre requirements; they are rich in zinc which supports prostate health which appears to be linked to low zinc levels. Prostate health issues affect almost 15% of men through life. — Read Article
Asparagus has a history going back over 2000 years. It originated in the eastern Mediterranean; in its wild form it was much smaller than the asparagus we know today.
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Beetroot could justifiably be described as a super food due to its health promoting properties when consumed. It is high in immune boosting fibre, vitamins and minerals; vitamin C and essential minerals like potassium that supports nerve and muscle function, magnesium which supports bone, liver, kidney and pancreas function and general health. — Read Article