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Joint Health and Comfort


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Joint Health and Comfort
28 September 2023, 01:10

Spring is the time of renewal, rebirth and regeneration, the days are stretching out and our energy levels are raised along with the temperatures.

The garden may need a makeover along with those little jobs around the house; this is the time the spring in the step makes all the difference to our goal setting and achievements.

We can’t emphasise enough the importance of being active and exercising especially for those of us who have the symptoms associated with the various types of arthritis and joint stiffness. Exercise reduces joint pain and helps fight tiredness. Joint discomfort and pain may reduce our inclination or motivation to exercise.

The benefits of mobility and exercise are many and varied

  • Improves balance

  • Helps with weight control

  • Improve patterns of sleep

  • Improve mood

  • Increase energy levels

  • Strengthens muscles and connective tissue around joints

  • Helps maintain bone strength

At all times consult your medical professionals.

 “Never go to a Doctor whose office plants have died”

The feeling of wellbeing, taking pride in our achievements is just so important, our ability to achieve may vary and that variation may be limited by joint flexibility, comfort and health.

This is where a supplement may help along with adjustments to diet; the carb comfort foods of winter may have sneaked a few kilograms on, a more active spring lifestyle is what is called for to deal with those pesky weight.

Drinking sufficient water is something that is often neglected and impacts joint health and flexibility.

We are very fortunate in New Zealand our meat and dairy products are grass fed and more natural unlike livestock in other countries. This makes New Zealand naturally grazed food a better source of omega essential fatty acids, which are essential for healthy joints and flexibility.

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