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Take These 5 Vitamins to Boost Metabolism and Support Weight Control


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Take These 5 Vitamins to Boost Metabolism and Support Weight Control
21 February 2021, 15:25

Metabolism is the chemical reactions in the cells of the body which turn food into energy. The faster this process is, the more calories will be burned, decreasing the likelihood of weight gain. Slow metabolisms are generally associated with a person not burning calories fast enough and holding on to excess weight.

Lifestyle, genetics, diet and even the vitamins and minerals you have in your body effect metabolism. If you have a slow metabolism, there are many ways you can work to speed it up and help maintain a healthy weight. Exercising and eating a healthy diet have a positive influence on your metabolism. Alongside this, there are vitamins and minerals that assist in supporting mood, increasing energy and boosting your metabolic rate.

B Vitamins for Energy Metabolism

The B vitamin family helps to convert foods like protein, carbohydrates and fats into energy. They also support muscle and brain communication, converting amino acids into serotonin to boost mood and metabolism. A deficiency in B vitamins can disrupt the metabolism, causing the body store more energy as fat. Eat foods containing B vitamins like; seafood, lean meat, nuts and seeds, eggs, dairy products, spinach, potatoes and squash.

Vitamin D to Assist Weight Loss

Also known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is an all-round super vitamin helping to maintain bones and teeth plus protecting against diseases such as diabetes. An expert study in older women, found that those with more fat were deficient in vitamin D. Research has shown that vitamin D may help to optimise metabolic rate by absorbing weight loss nutrients. Eat vitamin D rich foods like; beef, egg yolks, cod liver oil, fatty fish and fortified breakfast cereals.

Iron for Healthy Growth and Development

Iron is vital for a healthy body and functioning metabolism. Iron helps to carry red blood cells filled with oxygen to the muscles. If you are low in iron, your muscles may be lacking oxygen which means your body won’t be able to get its fuel from fat. This can upset your metabolism, causing it to slow. Eat foods rich in iron like; brown rice, nuts, meat, beans, leafy green veggies, soybeans and tofu.

Vitamin C to Improve Mood and Boost Metabolic Rate

While vitamin C is normally thought to be helpful around flu season, it also helps with oxidative stress to improve mood and boost metabolic rate. Oxidative stress plays a role in metabolic disorders so getting enough vitamin C should help keep this in check. Eat enough fruits and veggies like peppers, berries, oranges, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and potatoes.

Magnesium for Energy and Muscle Function

If your body lacks magnesium, the chemical reactions creating energy will not happen. Your body depends on magnesium and if it doesn’t get enough your metabolism may not work efficiently. Ensure you are eating enough greens, seeds, nuts, beans, whole grains and oat bran. Consider taking a natural health supplement if your diet is lacking magnesium.