For each and every one of us the start to our day may vary, it maybe physical or physiological, the challenge may be tiredness, lethargy or anxiety.
Kick starting with a tea or coffee could be all that is needed, for others a morning walk or gym session; you may find that preparation for the dawn should start the night or even the day before, a good night’s sleep very often results in a great start to the next day.
A magnesium deficiency maybe at the very heart of a listless and restless night; the result will be felt the next day. B group vitamin deficiencies have similar symptoms as dose vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is very often the easiest remedy, regular walks with exposure to the sun and outdoors is an easy fix; magnesium in the form of a supplement likewise with the B group vitamins there are natural solutions like a diet rich in eggs, leafy greens, beef, milk and legumes. We must bear in mind that much of our modern food is force fed and its growth accelerated and stimulated by various techniques and products, resulting in food that may be lacking in some of the nutrients we might expect from natural foods.
An example of this is the tomatoes and bananas we very often get in our supermarkets, lacking flavour and colour; a great example of the above.
Magnesium Pluss 800 is a great source of magnesium in a readily absorbable.
Energy Pluss is a great source of B group vitamins, vitamin C and zinc.