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Silberhorn Puff Pluss


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Silberhorn Puff Pluss
28 September 2023, 00:55

Do you, or someone you know, have breathing problems as a result of asthma, allergies, damaged lungs, emphysema and many other common causes?

If your answer is ‘yes’ here’s some important health news…

More and more people today seem to be suffering from breathing problems.

So at Silberhorn a few years ago, we decided to do something that would help.

We created our Puff Pluss Natural Respiratory Support Formula. It contains herbs that have been used for supporting respiratory wellness for centuries.

It was formulated under a Naturopath’s guidance to provide natural support for a healthy respiratory tract and normal breathing.

We thought our Puff Pluss product would be useful.

However, we didn’t imagine how well it worked for many of our clients.

Here are some of the remarkable things our Puff Pluss clients have told us…

“I smoked for 25 plus years and quit. I have allergies to mould, plus seasonal allergies, chronic bronchitis and sinus infections three plus times per year. I am a female, 50 years old. I started taking Puff Pluss; The daily cough from allergies went away almost immediately. I got my seasonal sinus infection about two months ago, and for the first time ever, it did not go into bronchitis. I was better within days instead of two weeks or more. I ran out in-between shipments recently for about two weeks and noticed the difference within 3 days of not taking the Puff Pluss supplements. I felt like I had a constant cold, nose started running, and I took some of my old allergy medicine which did not entirely relieve the symptoms. I also got the hoarse cough back that comes with seasonal allergies. My new shipment of Puff Pluss arrived and within three days of resuming the supplements, all symptoms completely disappeared.” Tammie, New York, USA

“Early in the winter I had two trips to hospital to have my lungs cleared of two litres of fluid each time. The doctors are not sure why it is building up, but with taking one Puff Pluss capsule morning and evening and increasing the capsules to two morning and evening when I felt it was needed, I have managed to keep out of hospital. I feel my breathing is a lot easier. Yes, I really feel this product works for me and am thankful it was recommended to me.” Nghairi

“I just wanted to let you know my husband is so pleased with the results of using Puff Pluss. He is able to walk much further without becoming out of breath and just feels so much better.” Margaret

“Just to say a big thank you for the product Puff Pluss that I have been taking for a couple of months. Since I started taking this I have cut my inhaler use back to about once every two months. Great product. Keep it going.” P. Forde

“I am a 66 year old lady, I have had respiratory problems all my life. I saw a Silberhorn advertisement about Puff Pluss, and decided to try it. After taking 2 bottles I felt so much better and thought my condition had left me. I felt so physically fit I stopped taking Puff Pluss. However, it was short lived and I was soon back to the Doctor. I quickly ordered more Puff Pluss and two weeks later I had a great improvement in my breathing. I have not had any more chest infections and needless to say I will never stop taking Puff Pluss again and always keep spare bottles of Puff Pluss on hand. By the way, I have never smoked. I say a huge thank you to Silberhorn for producing this really great product.” Noeline, Canterbury

“I am writing to thank you for such a wonderful product. I have been taking two Puff Pluss capsules each day for the last three months and the impact on my respiratory system has been amazing. I am 25 years old and for as long as I can remember I would wake up in the morning with phlegm in my throat and would spend the first ten minutes of my day coughing and wheezing. I have changed nothing else in my diet except for adding Puff Pluss and I am blown away by the results... No more coughing or wheezing and I hardly use my asthma inhaler. Outstanding product and I would recommend it to anyone. I was skeptical at first of using a natural product, I figured that asthma medication would work far better. Not the case for me. Again thanks.” Bronson, Wellington

“My daughter purchased some bottles of Puff Pluss quite a while ago and I have been taking them for my asthma. I find that I do not have to use my asthma puffer any more as these capsules keep my lungs and airways clear. I can’t speak highly enough of this product and I can recommend it to anybody who has problems with breathing. Thank you for producing such a great product.” Owen, Melbourne

“I would like to say how Puff Plus has helped me. I seem to have developed allergies with food etc and would have a cough or be wheezy at night. Since taking Puff Pluss it has all but cleared up and I am sleeping and breathing a whole lot easier. It is a wonderful product and I have recommended it to my friends who suffer with respiratory problems. Thank you so much.” Marion, Thames

If you have breathing problems you may like to try Puff Pluss yourself.

It’s a 100% natural product that contains the following herbs…

Elecampane helps to remove mucus from the lungs, bronchial and sinuses. Fenugreek helps remove toxins and mucus from the bowel. It supports the body's response to allergies.

Fenugreek also supports balanced blood sugar, healthy cholesterol, softens and dissolves catarrh and mucus and helps maintain clear airways.

Marshmallow soothes membrane tissues in the body.

Garlic supports healthy blood circulation to remove waste matter (mucous) from the body. Garlic also supports the immune defenses, protects the cells from damage due to toxicity and free radicals.

Horsetail a herb that supports blood circulation, kidney and artery health, aiding in elimination and filtration of toxins. It also supports lung health and repair.

If you have had breathing problems for more than a few months, why not give Puff Pluss a try? It might possibly be just what you are looking for.

We have for you a very special offer running at the moment in the Silberhorn club newsletter, just order three bottles of Puff Pluss and you will save 15% that’s a total investment of $98.17 + delivery (Normally $115.50) or you can give us a call on 0800 502 402 and speak to one of your friendly team here in Southland, NZ. Do this before November 30th, 2023 to receive this exclusive offer.

Note: Offer avaialble from 29th September, 2023 – November 30th, 2023

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