Spring is finally here, this means spring flowers and showers, warmer weather and longer days, BUT it also means allergy season.
Breathing is our most fundamental body function. Our lung function is primarily to oxygenate our circulating blood supply to maintain body function and regeneration of the building blocks of life itself.
Spring is very welcome after the ravages of winter, a time when we appear to be at greatest risk; but spring brings with it a whole new group of health compromising breathing difficulty risks.
Spring is the season of blossoms, rebirth and regeneration; the pollen season is upon us and with it comes a challenge for approximately 700,000 of us in New Zealand (according to the New Zealand Asthma Foundation), this equates to 1 in 8 adults and 1 in 7 children. There is nothing worse than watching children panic with breathing difficulties. Symptoms may include sneezing, runny nose, headaches, loss of smell, sore throat, earache, lethargy, fatigue watering eyes.
Five ways to mitigate our risk:
Be conscious of current pollen levels and organise your day accordingly;
close windows and reduce exposure i.e like gardening in the evening or early morning when pollen levels are at their lowest.
Maintain an environment free of mould, pet litter and dander
Change clothes and wash hair at night to remove pollen and debris accumulated through the day.
Wash sheets more regularly during pollen season
Spring and summer is a time of pesky mosquitoes and bugs, we may be tempted to burn a citronella candle, be aware that the vapour from combustion may trigger breathing difficulties.
Dry your clothes inside during spring and summer to avoid the accumulation of pollen in the fabric which is then imported into your home.
Natural solutions that may promote healthy lung function.
Honey - the consumption of honey that is produced locally contains ingredients that may be of benefit as it has an exposure to local pollens.
Garlic – naturally blocks the production of histamines which may reduce the symptoms of hay fever and other breathing difficulties.
Marshmallow Herb - may sooth the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract
Elecampane - is a warming herb to mitigate infection, clearing the associated mucus and exponential increase in the condition.
Fenugreek - a European Respiratory Journal, stated that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in fenugreek may have positive effects on our lungs and prevent respiratory troubles
Horsetail - a herb used for respiratory issues, colds, coughs and breathing difficulties.
If you’re considering a product for seasonal allergies and other breathing conditions with a combination of the above mentioned super herbs look no further than Silberhorn Puff Pluss as Puff Pluss contains all of these super herbs in one New Zealand manufactured formulation in a convenient capsule.