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Pet Corner - Spring 2023


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Pet Corner - Spring 2023
28 September 2023, 01:19

The change of season is a great time to jog the memory and roster those routine tasks that are so important to maintain and promote the good health and wellbeing of our pets. Spring is a time of year of rebirth and growth; if we look at life from the perspective of our furry friends we would see their world and how they engage and interact with their surroundings. As the growth in their surroundings takes off so does the risk of parasites like fleas and worms transferring from spring growth onto their fur.

So spring is a great time for those quarterly flea treatments or annual vaccine boosters; trimming nails as required; extra grooming as and when required to deal to those seeds and debris and a regular check of feet, pads and paws as seeds and other sharp objects can become lodged between pads.

Another consideration especially young puppies venturing out into the world, young bones and joints are very susceptible to damage, so be sure not to exercise them on hard sealed surfaces like concrete and bitumen as you may set them up for joint problems later on in their lives.


“I named my dog “5 Miles” so I can tell people I walk 5 miles everyday”

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