The liver is our bodies detoxifying organ, with its primary function being to filter and remove toxins that it’s exposed to. Toxins can come from many different places like the environment or from what we put into our bodies like; food, drinks and medications.
In times when we over indulge like Christmas, New Year and social events, our poor old liver can take a battering. It’s not like the liver isn’t designed to deal with stress, it’s just at the times we go too far the liver may start to function at a lower capacity. Here are some signs your liver may be struggling;
Tired all the time
No appetite
Fast weight loss or gain
Finding it hard to concentrate
Digestive issues and bloating
Unexplained bruises
Profuse sweating
While these symptoms could relate to many things, one possibility is your liver complaining. If you feel it’s your liver that needs revitalization, here are some changes you can make.
Overhaul Your Diet
Eating a balanced, healthy diet is essential for all areas of your well-being and especially for your liver. If you’re eating processed, refined, pesticide treated food regularly, your liver is having to work overtime to constantly remove all the toxins before they hit your bloodstream.
Aim to eat a diet full of; sour and bitter foods (fruits like lemon contain enzymes that’ll detoxify the liver), fruits, veg and lean protein. Reduce refined sugars, fried foods, packaged foods and foods filled with artificial ingredients, sweeteners and colours.
Take Liver Cleansing Herbs and Supplements
Taking a regular liver cleansing supplement can work wonders on aiding the liver to regenerate. Some of the best supplements to take for your liver are;
Milk thistle. The active ingredient inside milk thistle is silymarin which is full of natural plant chemicals. Tests have shown this can help to reduce inflammation, regenerate liver tissue and act as a barrier to liver cells from more damage.
Dandelion root. Supplementation with dandelion root is said to increase bile production and its flow, therefore aiding in the support of liver health.
Vitamin E and C. These vitamins combined may help to lower inflammation in the liver and clear up free radicals.
Reduce/Eliminate Alcohol Consumption
Essentially alcohol is a toxin that needs to metabolized and dealt with by the liver. If you’re drinking in excess on a frequent basis, it goes without saying that your liver may start to work at a reduced rate. Drinking in moderation is the key to avoid permanent damage to your liver.
Start Taking Some Exercise
Eating too much fatty food, drinking too much and not exercising can lead to fatty liver disease. This is when fat builds up around the liver, reducing its function. Make sure you take regular exercise to ward off the chance of this disease. While you might not be able to make it to the gym every day of the week, even going for a walk, swimming, playing a sport or doing the housework for at least 30 minutes a day will help.