Having the cold or flu can leave you feeling awful with symptoms like; a runny nose, a blocked nose, shivers or sweats, body aches and sometimes fever. While you can rush to the nearest chemist to buy expensive drugs, there are many natural health supplements and ways you can help nurse your body back to health.
If you do still have severe symptoms after two weeks, it is recommended to visit your doctor for a checkup. But usually after treating yourself with natural remedies and getting some rest, you should see a decrease in your symptoms. Let’s take a look at the best natural cold and flu remedies.
Having a cold or the flu, is a time you should not worry about garlic breath but treat yourself to some extra portions. Containing the compound allicin, this is thought to have anti-microbial properties which can fight bacteria and reduce cold and flu symptoms. Add it to your soups, stir fry’s, sauces and even eat a clove whole!
Containing flavonoids that boost your immune system and reduce inflammation in the body, Echinacea can help speed up the recovery of a cold or aid in preventing them. For over 400 years, Echinacea has been used as a natural health supplement by Native Americans to treat infections and boost the body up. One study showed that Echinacea may reduce the risk of catching a cold by up to 50%.
Vitamin C
While vitamin C will not completely rid you of the cold or flu, it plays a big role in supporting the immune system which will help you recover faster. Add slices of fresh lemon to hot tea with honey and eat leafy greens, oranges, grapefruit and berries. Vitamin C has been shown to have a positive effect on those with upper respiratory tract infections.
Hot Chicken Soup
Chicken soup is not a complete curative method for colds and flu, but it will seriously ease the horrible side effects. Chicken soup and vegetables can help to; keep you hydrated, lower mucus buildup, reduce inflammation in the body and even slow the movement of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell). These assist in protecting your body from infection and when slower moving, they will stick around in areas that need the most healing.
Probiotics add healthy bacteria to your system and can reduce the chance of you getting sick with respiratory tract illnesses. You can take them in the form of foods and supplements and can even make your own at home. Here are some types of probiotic you can make;