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What Causes Dry Eyes? Symptoms, Reasons and More


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What Causes Dry Eyes? Symptoms, Reasons and More
3 March 2021, 02:38

This is a condition we may experience at any stage of our lives but tends to be a condition that may become more apparent as we age for one reason or another.

The symptoms for dry eye are many and varied difficulty wearing and retaining contact lenses, a watering of the eyes when driving and during screen viewing computers and television, exposure to the elements wind and dust and of course, reading. Another symptom maybe sticky mucus in the eye region, discomfort experienced in the eye area and of course the biggie intermittent blurred vision or trouble focusing when driving or reading.

The symptoms listed above maybe quite disconcerting resulting in raised anxiety levels, very often the  anxiety is unjustified but it is important to look after our eyes and take the necessary steps to reassure yourself and seek a professional opinion from your GP or Pharmacist who will advise you as to what the condition is that you are experiencing, it may be as simple as regular eye drops or a minor procedure to conserve tears by balancing the flows between the tear ducts, lubricating the eyes and reducing the flow of tear fluid through passages into the nasal region.

Blood pressure can cause vision issues, some prescription medications may affect the symptoms resulting in excessive tear liquids on the surface of the eyes and diet may also affect tear flow. Alcohol, pain, sleep, beta blockers, arthritis and anxiety medications may all affect the symptoms for dry eye either excessive tears or insufficient tears to lubricate the surface of the eye.

Tears are the lubricant that supports the lubrication of our eyes cornea (the outer surface of our eyes); the tears are made up of oil, water and mucus, an imbalance in the mix, insufficient tears or excessive tears is very often linked to dry eye syndrome.

In summary the world we live in has changed air-conditioned offices, heat pumps, dust and grit in the air especially around heavy traffic conditions and unformed roads.

Some experience these conditions when exercising outdoors, walking, jogging and running; a simple precaution is to wear wrap around glasses prescription and or safety.