While there are several factors that cause collagen to break down, the repetitive motion of smiling a lot can cause collagen loss in those specific areas, thus creating lines and creases. Collagen makes up about 25 to 30 percent of the total protein in our bodies and it helps to keep our skin firm, supple and elastic.
If you’re repeatedly smiling, laughing and squinting, these motions will cause the skin to crease in the same area and subsequently wear down the tissue in that area. This can create an ingrained line in the area which eventually doesn’t go away after the muscles relax.
What Are Laugh Lines?
Laugh lines are the small lines or creases on your face that form around the mouth, eyes and forehead from repetitive motions like laughing, smiling and squinting. Some people may have them more pronounced in certain areas like the forehead, while others around the side of the mouth. Young skin will usually bounce back from these repetitive movements, but older skin is usually thinner and less elastic due to the decrease in fat and collagen supplies.
Prevention of Laugh Lines
Of course you don’t want to stop smiling and laughing to prevent your laugh lines, but there are a few other things you can try to minimise them. Also, prevention is better than cure so if you’re lucky enough to still be young, take action now and be thankful later!
- Wear sunglasses or tinted glasses to avoid squint lines
- Protect you skin with a sunscreen
- Quit smoking
- Eat a nutrient rich diet
- Use a daily moisturiser to keep skin hydrated
- Drink enough water
Treatment of Laugh Lines
There are many non-prescription topical creams and supplements you can use to help treat your laugh lines. Try these out alongside a healthy nutritious diet and an active lifestyle to see the greatest reduction.
- Creams or serums containing; retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids, copper peptides, kinetin, coenzyme Q10 and antioxidants, may help promote collagen production and lessen the appearance of fine lines
- Dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, laser treatments, chemical peels, Botox and injectable soft tissue fillers are more invasive treatments, but have good results reducing ingrained fine lines