I'm sure many of you share the anxiety of aging and the course it will take as we head along the path of life; we look at those 10-20 years further along the path of life with family and friends and imagine what it will be like for ourselves.
Brings to mind a song by Doris Day (who celebrated her 90th in April 2014) and the song Que Sera Sera whatever will be, will be.
There is growing evidence that supports the general consensus use it or lose it; very often the loss of a partner, a fall or accident can be the turning point in one’s life marking the beginning of a spiral down or up resulting in compounding negative outcomes or compounding positive developments.
"Dont regret growing old it’s a privilege denied to many"
We don’t expect our clock to wind backwards as we age we are so accepting of the process in so many ways. This experiment is inspirational, some men arrived on walking sticks aided by family and after a week they left unaided.
Some men were unable to carry their luggage in, but after a week they carried their luggage out; there is just so much to be learnt in respect of what makes us tick.
I need to emphasise at this point that the study was not about living in the past and wandering down memory lane, it was intended to generate mental signals to the body to reflect biological responses and energy levels of a much younger man by thinking and acting 20 years younger.
I am sure many of us can relate to this in various ways; our sense of wellbeing our capacity to achieve and our energy levels increase when we are doing what we enjoy. This affect is magnified in situations when we have less control over where we are and what we do; cast your mind back to when you were a child being forced to go places, attend functions or spend time with people, places and things you didn’t enjoy, time dragged and your spirits lifted when it was time to leave.
Our knowledge is constantly growing of the mind, body and aging process; there is much conflicting research and opinion but there is a growing consensus that a positive environment including mind set and surroundings can play a significant role to maintain physical health and wellbeing also mental health and wellbeing.