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Menopausal Symptoms Will Be Different for Every Woman – Here’s What You Need to Know


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Menopausal Symptoms Will Be Different for Every Woman – Here’s What You Need to Know
22 January 2020, 22:25

The menopause typically hits women in their 40s-50s, but this can vary. Every woman’s experience will be different, including the type and severity of symptoms. The menopause is defined as when you don’t have a period for 12 months or more and there are no other reasons for this.

It’s likely you will notice quite a few changes in your body and mood, although some woman report having minimal trouble. Symptoms can include; hot flushes, vaginal atrophy (thinning), weight gain and mood swings. Here are 5 things every woman needs to know about the menopause, that will help you navigate this time when it arrives.

The Menopause Typically Starts Between the Ages of 45-55

The decline of ovary function and the stoppage of periods can happen as early as 45 for some or late 50s for others. Some experts believe it’s down to genetics and you will experience the menopause at a similar age to other women in your family. Other factors which will affect this are; whether you smoke, drink alcohol and whether you have a regular diet and exercise regime for example.

You Can Have a Premenopause

The premenopause basically means your body is starting its transition into the full menopausal stage. During this time, you may start to experience common menopausal symptoms like hot flushes. Your periods may become irregular at this time, but may not fully stop yet.

Hot Flushes Can Be Reduced with These Tips

Hot flushes are likely to happen for most women going through the menopause. The good thing is that you can avoid certain triggers and reduce symptoms. Try to avoid these things;

  • Eating spicy food
  • Getting really stressed
  • Consuming large amounts of alcohol or coffee
  • Being somewhere really hot
  • Carrying excess weight
  • Smoking

A Natural Health Supplement Can Ease the Symptoms of Menopause

If you’re experiencing uncomfortable menopausal symptoms, talk with your doctor about taking a natural health supplement. Black Cohosh is well known for helping to relieve menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps and premenopausal symptoms.

Other natural supplements to consider are; flaxseed to ease night sweats, calcium to prevent bone weakening, ginseng to boost mood, vitamin D to help your body absorb calcium, wild yam (said to be a popular alternative to hormone therapy) and St. John’s Wort to assist in controlling mood swings.

The Decline in Estrogen Production Can Affect the Amount of Calcium in Your Bones

As estrogen production declines, so does the amount of calcium in your bones. This can decrease bone density leaving you open to conditions like; osteoporosis and bone fractures. Keep your bones strong by;

  • Having a regular weight training routine
  • Eat foods with calcium like leafy greens and dairy products
  • Reduce or stop drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Take vitamin D and calcium supplements

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