Magnesium is essential to maintain and support many of the body’s interactions and functions and our overall metabolism, (over 300 in fact are dependent on magnesium), the regulation of blood pressure, heart health, our immune system, muscle and nerve function are all dependent on healthy levels of magnesium. — Read Article
Our good health is dependent on various minerals to facilitate body function and our metabolism; these minerals are described as major minerals and trace minerals. — Read Article
There is much discussion regarding obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol and the negative health effects of the conditions that develop as a result; diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. — Read Article
We hear much about the health promoting properties of trace elements and minerals, we have mentioned the effect on the health of animals and ourselves when there are deficiencies in the soils we grow and raise our food supply in. We may have issues growing crops and raising livestock in the event we have too much of some trace elements and minerals as well. — Read Article
Magnesium is an essential mineral to sustain life; it is catalysed in more than three hundred of our body’s enzyme systems including protein synthesis, blood pressure regulation, energy production, nerve function, the structural development of bone, production of DNA and RNA, the transportation across cell membranes of calcium and potassium, sustaining the cardiovascular system and process, also nerve and muscle function. — Read Article
Magnesium is an essential mineral to sustain life; it is a catalyst in more than three hundred of our body’s enzyme systems including protein synthesis, blood pressure regulation, energy production, nerve function, the structural development of bone, production of DNA and RNA, the transportation across cell membranes of calcium and potassium, sustaining the cardiovascular system and process also nerve and muscle function. — Read Article