If you’ve been on a journey to lose weight and finally reached your weight loss goal – well done! But the downside of this, is that you may be left with a lot of loose or sagging skin. Other causes of stretched, sagging skin are the loss of elastin fibres, collagen networks and hyaluronic acid. Pregnancy and occasionally lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking alcohol, artificial tanning and certain medications can also be a contributor.
There are many ways you can firm up loose skin, without having to resort to surgery. Keeping a healthy diet full of fresh, raw foods and plenty of water is a good place to start, Let’s take a look at some natural ways to firm up skin after losing weight.
Start Resistance Training
If you’ve lost weight, getting a good strength training regime in place assists in building muscle tissue and improving the appearance of skin. You will burn more calories, even when resting as you improve muscle mass. As your muscles develop in shape, these will fill out the areas of loose skin giving it the appearance of being tighter and more toned.
Take a Quality Collagen Supplement
Although collagen hasn’t actually been tested in weight loss studies on people with loose skin, it’s well known collagen is an essential structural protein for the skin. When you are younger and have an abundance of collagen, your skin is firm and luminous. As we age and go up and down in weight, our collagen supplies deplete. So, if you want to improve sagging skin, take a quality collagen supplement and eat foods rich in collagen like bone broth.
Get a Massage from A Trained Therapist
Massages will not only help you feel good, but they’ll improve blood flow and stimulate fibroblasts. These are cells that aid in producing connective tissues like elastin and collagen. Some experts conclude that massage can increase mitochondrial production. Mitochondria play a part in tissue and cell metabolism, which in turn has an effect on skin ageing.
Invest in a Nonsurgical Skin Boosting Procedure
Although results from nonsurgical skin tightening procedures tend to be subtle, if you have a mild case of loose skin the results may be worth it. Most nonsurgical procedures are safe, but always check with your doctor and research the therapists where you have any treatments done. Some nonsurgical procedures that may help improve loose skin are; ultrasound, laser treatments and nonsurgical radiofrequency.